Package 50 License Blancco Drive Erasure + Blancco Hasp

Package 50 License Blancco Drive Erasure + Blancco Hasp

  • Brand::Blancco
  • Product Code: BP50DE
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 1,130.50€

  • Ex Tax: 950.00€

Pachetul Software contine:

- 50 x Licente Blancco Drive Erasure

- 1 x Blancco HASP Key

- Suport Tehnic inclus pentru 12 luni         


Licentiere de tip “volum” : 1 licenta = 1stergere (HDD/SSD)

Titularul licentelor are dreptul de a folosi fără restricţii software-ul Blancco în cadrul organizaţiei sale, atât timp cât acesta detine licenţe valabile, respectiv suport tehnic valabil. Cheia HASP se achizitioneaza o singura data.

Blancco Drive Erasure este listat in catalogul NATO si apare în Catalogul Național cu Pachete, Produse și Profile de Protecție INFOSEC, emis de ORNISS  (ultima versiune publicată în mai 2019), capitolul A, subcapitolul 5 – Ștergerea discurilor


Tipuri de unități de stocare suportate: Mașini BIOS și UEFI, inclusiv Mac-urile bazate pe Intel și Boot securizat; IDE / ATA, SATA, SCSI, SAS, USB, Fiber Channel, unități de hard disk FireWire de orice dimensiune / blocksize; Drivere SATA și SAS de orice mărime / blocksize; Unități eMMC de orice dimensiune / blocksize; Unități NVMe de orice dimensiune / blocksize


Caracteristici importante aplicație:

- Implementare locală (CD, USB), prin rețea (PXE) sau preinstalare (MSI); Dezmembrarea RAID și accesul direct la unitățile fizice de bază; Detectarea SSD și ștergerea sigură cu metoda patentată SSD Blancco; Detectarea și deblocarea automată a unităților blocate blocate; Detectarea, notificarea și ștergerea zonelor ascunse (DCO, HPA) și a sectoarelor remapate; Suport pentru comenzile interne de ștergere a unității, inclusiv ștergerea criptografică;

- Raport de ștergere semnat digital; Informatii detaliate privitoare la hardware-ul sters la nivel de configuratie PC / Server, sau la nivelul  disk-ului

- Standarde de ștergere suportate- 22 (ex. DoD 5220.22 M, DoD 5220.22 M ECE, NIST 800-88 Clear, NIST 800 88 Purge, HMG Infosec Standard 5, Higher and Lower Standard)

Blancco Technical Specifications
Erasure • Locally or remotely controlled data erasure via the Blancco Management Console • High-speed, simultaneous erasure of multiple drives multiple drives, including the ability to customize drive batch sizes and drive speed thresholds • RAID dismantling and direct access to the underlying physical drives • SSD detection and secure erasure with Blancco´s patented SSD method • Automated detection and unlocking of freeze locked drives • Extensive list of international erasure standards, including HMG/CESG, NIST, BSI and DoD • Detection, notification and erasure of hidden areas (DCO, HPA) and remapped sectors • Support for internal drive erasure commands, including cryptographic erasure and TCG feature set on self-encrypting drives • Ability to reformat ATA drives after erasure
Minimum System Requirements • 1 GB RAM memory in most cases (2 GB for PXE booting) • Local erasure: o CD/DVD drive or USB port for booting the software o SVGA display and VESA compatible video card o USB port for saving reports • Remote erasure (requires Blancco Management Console): o Ethernet NIC o DHCP Server running on local network for PXE booting, remote erasure and report collection
Usability, Automation & Scheduling • Accelerated NIST purge capabilities • Multi-tasking to allow the hardware diagnostics and updating the report during the erasure time • Screensaver displaying the erasure progress to monitor the process remotely • Resume an erasure that has been interrupted without consuming extra licenses • Dedicated interface for loose drive erasure
Reporting • Digitally-signed Certificate of Erasure • Choose between asset level or drive-level reports • Customizable digital signature (ANSSI compliant) • Save reports locally or send them through the network to the Blancco Management Console • Detailed reports enabled by enhanced hardware detection • Extensive erasure information, including HDD details for seamless audit procedures • User extendable report (with option to add “custom fields”)
Deployment • Blancco Drive Eraser is platform independent • Local control with HASP dongles, standalone images, or centralized control through the Blancco Management Console or Blancco Cloud • Deploy locally (CD, USB),via the network (PXE), through remote management tools (e.g. iLO, iDRAC, Intel AMT, Cisco RMS, Windows Deployment Service (WDS)), install locally (appliance mode) or via Blancco Preinstall”
Hardware Detection & Diagnostics • 13+ hardware tests, including: RAM, CPU, Motherboard, Battery (current capacity & charge), PC speaker, Display, Pointing devices, Keyboard, Optical drive,Webcam, USB ports, WiFi card • Hot swap capabilities, including pass-through drives
Configurability & Automation • Customize erasure software to fit specific needs • Customize input fields in erasure reports • 3 levels of process automation: manual, semi-automatic, automatic • Ability to communicate back and forth with an Asset Management System (“Two-Way Communication”) on asset and drive level
Hardware Support • Erase data securely from PCs, laptops, servers and storage environments based in x86 and x86-64 architectures • BIOS & UEFI machines including Intel-based Macs and Secure Boot • IDE/ATA, SATA, SCSI, SAS, USB, Fibre Channel, FireWire hard disk drives of any size/blocksize • SATA and SAS solid state drives of any size/blocksize • eMMC drives of any size/blocksize • NVMe drives of any size/blocksize • SAS, SCSI or ATA self-encrypting drives • Support for Apple machines, including those containing T2 chips
Auditing • Verification algorithms to automatically check the overwritten patterns • Hexviewer provides fast visual verification of the erasure for compliance • Reports are tamper-proof reporting • Embed reports in the drives for a fast erasure audit
Language Support • English, German, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, French, Taiwanese, Italian and Portuguese, Slovak, Polish and Hungarian • Up to 20 different keyboard layouts supported

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Tags: Blancco Drive Erasure, Blancco Hasp, Pachet 50 Licentiere